HomeWebsite Development Workshop
Website Development Workshop
Website Development Workshop

Website Development Workshop

Product Description

What we will cover in the workshop • How to buy a Domain? • How to buy a Hosting? • How to link domain and a hosting account? • How to link Name server & A Records? • How to install Wordpress? • Working with various elements of Wordpress such as Posts, Pages, Customizer, Themes, Plugins, etc. • How to install a Theme in Wordpress? • What are Plugins? • How to install Plugins? • Must have plug-ins for your Website. • Integrating content on website. • Add Pages, Static Homepage & Set Menu • Blog Page & Sidebar • Contact Page (Contact Form & Map) • Linking Google Analytics to the Website. • Working with page builder (Drag & Drop) to build a modern website.

PS: Domain and hosting will be charged extra. We can provide you both at an additional cost PS: You will be paying someone INR 15000 (Minimum) to make a website for yourself.


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